Spirit Quest Books | Metaphysical Store since 1999

Specializing in Ethically Sourced, High Quality Crystals

Crystals & Minerals

Many people are attracted and intuitively drawn to crystals. Why? We believe it is because of the energies, or vibrations, that crystals hold, transmit, and send. The proof? If you are reading this then you have a computer or smartphone and know one of its components is a silicon chip. Computers can be programmed and are able to store and send information. Quartz crystal, the most common crystal on earth, vibrates, or ticks, exactly 60 seconds per minute when electricity is applied to it, making it an integral component to telling time.

All crystals are transmitters and receivers of energy (vibration) – and we (humans) seem to have many traits that are shared with crystals. For instance, the human body is primarily water – and water is a six-sided crystal. Quartz crystals in their natural state have six sides, and six facets to their point. a quartz crystal, the crystal. When one draws the scientific diagram of a quartz crystal, the diagram will look like the human DNA.

When we carry, hold, or work with a crystal, the crystal acts as both a transmitter and a receiver of energy and information to and from our bodies. Because we are of a similar six-sided crystalline structure within so many of our cells, the transmissions from the crystal will help align the body to a higher vibrational state, moving away from a state of dis-ease.

Much of our use of crystals and minerals today has its roots spirituality and medicine, and some uses are still prevalent today. For instance, gold (regarded as a crystal in the metaphysical world) is known to alleviate pain, silver is antiseptic (we use colloidal silver in our water), and Lapis Lazuli, the stone of royalty, was a prized crystal often found in the breastplate of a high priest.

On the following pages you will find extensive information about, and images of many stones, crystals, and geodes which we hope will help guide you to the crystal you need.


Soothes all chakras, particularly heart and throat. Balances male/female energies, bringing forth clarity, clear spirit and balancing facets of personality. Turquoise colour.


Purifies and dispels negativity. Used extensively in meditation. Stone of Spirituality and contentment. It balances the energies of the intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies and provides a clear connection between the Earth plane and other worlds.

Amethyst Points

Purifies and dispels negativity. Used extensively in meditation. Stone of Spirituality and contentment. It balances the energies of the intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies and provides a clear connection between the Earth plane and other worlds.

Apache Tears

Used to comfort in times of grief, it metaphorically sheds the tears for one in times of sorrow, allowing true understanding, insight and acceptance. It stimulates analytical capabilities and precision


Attuned to healing; storing information, communicating, balancing energy and teaching. Helps integrate, coordinate and balance emotional, intellectual, physical and etheric bodies. Colour varies from green to teal blue. Larger crystals are often glued to preserve shape – very crumbly stone.

Aqua Aura

Has properties of gold and quartz. It has been used extensively to cleanse and to smooth the aura, to activate all chakras, and to release negativity from ones emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual bodies. Assists clear communication, thinking & intuition. Created by infusing gaseous gold into quartz crystal under extreme heat.


Also known as Beryl – works to assist the throat chakra. Ancient lore used aquamarine to protect wearer while traveling by water and against storms, drowning and seasickness.


Green quartz with sparkling chrome mica inclusions. It is said to promote health, tranquility and positive attitudes. Reinforces ones decisiveness, amplifies ones leadership qualities.

Black Onyx

Excellent for initiating the modes of centering and alignment of the total person with the higher power. Protects against negativity and intensifies energy. Helps balance the yin-yang energy. Used to banish grief, to enhance self-control, stimulate the power of decision making, encourage happiness and good fortune. Helps absorb from the universe, those energies needed.


Centering and grounding energy of the heart, conducive to balancing the total body. Used to awaken and introduce uniformity for base, navel, sacral and heart chakras.

Blue Chalcedony

Sacred stone. Symbolizes benevolence and good will. Alleviates hostilities, irritability and melancholy. It enhances generosity, responsiveness and receptivity.

Blue Lace Agate

Helps one to reach extremely high spiritual spaces. Equates to a peaceful countenance and is used to support expression.

Blue Tigers Eye

The colour range includes red, brown, gold, cream, black and blue. Power stone. It resonates to the frequencies of the Earth, encouraging stability with dynamic beauty. At the base chakra it can help to discipline sexual and emotional life, bringing together light where one must be practical.

Boji Stones

Balancing Stone – has the capacity to balance the energy fields of the body. With the proper intent these stones will help benefit the body through a rejuvenation and healing process.

Botswana Agate

Enhances creativity and helps release emotional nuances which have been repressed, stimulates crown chakra, treatment of nervous system and helps rid body of toxins. Can ameliorate depression and stress.


It is a “stone of courtesy” promoting loving equitability and unprejudiced discernment within the user. It also provides the stimulus for decisiveness of that which has not been resolved in ones life.


It is used to produce inspiration from, and connectedness with the spiritual worlds. Protects against envy, fear and rage and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure. Placed near the front door invokes protection and invites abundance into the house.


Revitalizes and calms lower chakras. Produces great inner strength, helping to sustain one during stressful situations. Enhances physical vitality. Assists in balancing blood sugar and strengthening muscular structures.


Dissipates and transmutes negative energy, working out problems on both the physical and subtle levels. It can aid in digestion, and can promote the circulation of the blood, balance thyroid and activate the thymus.

Clear Quartz

Clear/smoky crystalline or white/green. Considered solidified light. Amplifies, stores, transmits, conducts energy. Used in meditation. Balancer and channeler of universal energy and unconditional love.


Balances yin-yang energy and aligns chakras with the ethereal plane. Activates, opens and energizes the heart chakra. Facilitates deep meditative states, compassion, clemency and self-acceptance. It has been used to encourage fidelity in business and personal affairs. It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the heart, and to increase Vitamin C assimilation.

Fancy Jasper

Green, red, and brown mixture. Helps align energies and is used for positive thinking.


Helps to impart impartiality and unbiased, detached reasoning in situations where it would be beneficial to both view and to act upon information objectively. It increases the ability to concentrate, balancing the positive and negative relationships of the mind and body.

Golden Tiger Eye

The colour range includes red, brown, gold, cream, black and blue. Power stone. It resonates to the frequencies of the Earth, encouraging stability with dynamic beauty. At the base chakra it can help to discipline sexual and emotional life, bringing together light where one must be practical.


Meditative grounding stone, brings tranquility and emotional clarity. Assists in dissolution of negativity, transforming it into universal light of love. Can stimulate desire for peace, self-control, and inner happiness. Assists in treatment of leg cramps, blood disorders, nervous disorders and insomnia.


Helps to impart impartiality and unbiased, detached reasoning in situations where it would be beneficial to both view and to act upon information objectively. It increases the ability to concentrate, balancing the positive and negative relationships of the mind and body.


Assists in remembering and solving dreams. Sovereign of Harmony, facilitating peace within the physical, emotional and intellectual structures. Helps attune one to the needs of others and inspires wisdom during problem solving.


Protects one’s aura and helps to keep the aura clear, balanced and protected, free from energy leaks. It unites the personal self with the understanding required to both realize and achieve the destiny of this life. Considered magical because the blue-gray colour reflects rainbow colors from deep within the stone when under light. Used by Shamans to travel to the void where all knowledge and al possibilities are held.

Lapis Lazuli

Dark blue with streaks of pyrite. The stone of wisdom – used for telepathic communications. Activates and energizes throat and brow chakras. Helps diminishment of internal smoldering fire which leads to disease.


Assists in remembering and solving dreams. Sovereign of Harmony, facilitating peace within the physical, emotional and intellectual structures. Helps attune one to the needs of others and inspires wisdom during problem solving.

Leopard Skin Agate

Very protective, especially against sorcery and possession. Increases courage and strength. Use when contacting your animal spirits. Helpful in healing.


Pink to purple silicate. Contains lithium once used to calm the mind. Balances heart with mind.


Assists in remembering and solving dreams. Sovereign of Harmony, facilitating peace within the physical, emotional and intellectual structures. Helps attune one to the needs of others and inspires wisdom during problem solving.

Mahogony Obsidian

Black, mahogany, rainbow, OR snowflake (spotted). Grounding stone with aspects of spirit (white) and body (reddish mahogany.) Stone of pleasure bringing appreciation and enjoyment of one’s life. Used to bring light and love to the spirit. Brings a connected-ness to the brotherhood of humanity, eliminating the need to perceive oneself as and individual or unique unit of consciousness.


Pink to purple silicate. Contains lithium once used to calm the mind. Balances heart with mind.


Known gem quality stone of extra-terrestrial origin. Serves inhabitants of this planet. Stimulates cooperation between those experiencing life on Earth and those of extra-terrestrial origin.


Provides a balance between inner and outer experiences. Imparts a desire for new experiences and a calm within to face them. Encourages versatility. Points out all possibilities and assists in choosing the right one. Fortifies the immune system.


The energy of moonstone is balancing, introspective, reflective and lunar. Capable of healing one with the changing structures of life on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.


Emits a warm and friendly energy. Used to magnify the inner aspects of any situation. Helps to regulate cycles in life and heal bruised ego by assisting one in the lessening of anger or jealousy.


Petalite have a deep connection to the realm of spirit, this is a stone of vision, peace, and joy. Opens the inner eye to higher dimensions, and enhances psychic powers, clairvoyance and telepathy. Physically Petalite can be used for ADD, ADHD, countering anxiety, lowering high blood pressure.


The energy of moonstone is balancing, introspective, reflective and lunar. Capable of healing one with the changing structures of life on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.


For dreaming and remembering. Allows the inner knowing to prepare for situations. Use of the stone for prediction should not be taken lightly. The most accurate predictions are for ones personal spiritual growth.


Shields oneself from negative energy. Can work to allay physical danger. Encourages and sustains the flawless ideal of health, intellect, and emotional well-being.

Quartz Points

Clear/smoky crystalline or white/green. Considered solidified light. Amplifies, stores, transmits, conducts energy. Used in meditation. Balancer and channeler of universal energy and unconditional love.


Balance yin-yang energy. Encourage brotherhood of humanity. Encourages generosity of spirit and dispels anxiety and promotes coherence, bringing to the user an observant nature.


Represents change, variety and progress promoting insight. Strengthens body and mind. Used in treatment of disorders of the veins, eliminate skin disorders and rashes. Improves assimilations of the B-complex vitamins.

Rose Quartz

Emits a calming, cooling energy which can work on all the chakras to gently remove negativity and to reinstate the loving gentle forces of self-love.

Rutilated Quartz

Affects both the etheric and the astral bodies. Aids in the healing of pain of either the mind or physical body. Assists in getting to the root of the problem and hence provides access to the reason for a disease or discomfort, so one can remedy the situation.


Serpentine aids the clearing out of any blocked areas as well as in bringing the charkas to be back in balance. It is also particularly beneficial in balancing the heart chakra. It has also been believed to have the power of promoting good luck as well as help people achieve their personal and business goals and other dreams and desires.

Smokey Quartz

An excellent grounding stone. Used to enhance the psychic abilities and can assist in the gentle attunement of third-eye activity, while providing for grounding conditions and removal of obstacles.

Snowflake Obsidian

Assists in actualizing the serenity of the isolated state, stimulating the surrender to the totality of the meditative state, promoting sensitivity to the most vital powers in the universe – love and beauty.


Dark blue with white lines. Sodium silicate. Assists in calming of the mind enabling one to see. Relates to throat chakra. Can help throat and assist in speaking the truth.


Sunstone is a joyful, light inspiring stone. It instills a good nature and heightens intuition. Sunstone will restore life’s sweetness and help you nurture yourself. Traditionally it’s linked to luck and good fortune.


Assists in actualizing the serenity of the isolated state, stimulating the surrender to the totality of the meditative state, promoting sensitivity to the most vital powers in the universe – love and beauty.


Strengthens and aligns all chakras, meridians and subtle bodies. It can bring all energies to a higher level. Excellent spiritual attunement, for healing and cleansing and for providing protection.


Green and pink spotted granite. Colours are associated with healing the heart. Acts to balance the emotional body, bringing it into alignment with the higher forces of spirituality.


We have a nice supply of geodes available at Spirit Quest Books. There are small, break-open geodes, which children of all ages enjoy, As well as small to medium sized quality specimens of several different varieties and several large amethyst pieces as well.

The term geode is derived from the Greek word Geoides which means “earthlike”. They are geological rock formations which occur in sedimentary and certain volcanic rocks.

Geodes are essentially rock cavities or vugs with internal crystal formations or concentric banding. The exterior of the most common geodes is generally limestone or a related rock, while the interior contains quartz crystals and/or chalcedony deposits. Other geodes are completely filled with crystal, being solid all the way through. These types of geodes are called nodules.Geodes can form in any cavity, but the term is usually reserved for more or less rounded formations in igneous and sedimentary rocks, while the more general term “vug” is applied to cavities in fissures and veins. They can form in gas bubbles in igneous rocks, such as vesicles in basaltic lavas, or as in the American Midwest, rounded cavities in sedimentary formations. After rock around the cavity hardens, dissolved silicates and/or carbonates are deposited on the inside surface. Over time, this slow feed of mineral constituents from groundwater or hydrothermal solutions allows crystals to form inside the hollow chamber. Bedrock containing geodes eventually weathers and decomposes, leaving them present at the surface if they are composed of resistant material such as quartz.

Most geodes contain clear quartz crystals, while others have purple amethyst crystals. Still others can have agate, chalcedony,
or jasper banding or crystals such as calcite, dolomite, celestite, etc. There is no easy way of telling what the inside of a geode holds until it is cut open or broken apart. However, geodes from any one locality usually have a more restricted variety of
interior mineralization.